Shirley's Playground Takes Step Towards Becoming A Reality

I'm a Rotarian. Have been by blood since I was 16 years old, in the year 1999, when my local Rotary Club in Conneaut, OH sent me to Italy as an exchange student. Officially though, I've been a Rotarian since early 2017 and am currently serving as Sergeant-at-Arms.

Being a part of Rotary, I've had the opportunity to spend some time around some heavy hitters here in town. One of those names is Jim Isaac. His family, famous for their heating & cooling business here in Rochester, is also extremely active in the community and always giving back.

Jim's soulmate, the love of his life, Shirley, passed away in 2016. She often traveled with Jim out to our Rotary Sunshine Campus (a Summer camp that caters to children with physical limitations). In her name, Jim formed a committee to raise money to build a fully handicap accessible playground at the Campus and finally, we broke ground this

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