WATCH: RPD Body Cam Video From Assemblyman David Gantt Crash

Channel 10's Berkeley Brean has been all over this Assemblyman David Gantt story (check out his tweets here).

Today they got a hold of the RPD Body Cam footage of the aftermath crash and posted it online. The beginning of the video does have some screaming from people involved in the crash so you may want to go with headphones if there are sensitive ears around.

Near the end of the video you can hear Assemblyman Gantt ask if he can speak to the witnesses of the crash but the officers advise him he can't at this time and he will get that info closer to the court date. Around that time Mayor Lovely Warren shows up and the body cam is turned off.

If you want to read some of the transcript of the audio you can check that out here.

Regarding her appearance at the accident scene Mayor Warren issued the following statement.

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