LISTEN: Tools Gave Dale His Old Flat Screen TV...It Doesn't Work

A little background on this story...

John thought that his living room TV (wall-mounted 52-ish-inch flat screen) was broken because the audio wasn't working. John and his wife agreed that they would go out and buy a Smart TV so that they can switch to YouTube TV or a similar service.

When he announced this on the show, it was agreed that John would give the old TV to Dale to see if Dale could fix the audio issues. After John bought the new TV it turns out that it wasn't the TV, but the cable box that was causing the audio issues so Dale was ready for a fully functioning TV to be delivered.

Tuesday night, after Dale bought a new TV stand he went to try out the TV and this was the result.

At some point in the move from the DiTullio's living room and it being transported to Palmyra, some sort of blunt force trauma occurred in the lower right corner of the screen.

What was the cause of this damage? Listeners helped come to an answer during the segment from today's show. You can listen to that here.

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