Cool, Creepy... Offensive? Watch Frederick Douglass Move

Rochester's own Frederick Douglass has been trending on social media lately. Now, in case for some reason you don't know, he was an abolitionist who escaped from slavery and became antislavery movement. Better yet, read up on him here: Wikipedia

There are 2 reasons he is trending right now though. 1. The Netflix series, 'Amend: The Fight for America' features him and Rochester. 2. Because of some interesting yet controversial technology that's been making it's way around the internet.

As reported by the Democrat & Chronicle, the website have rolled out a new feature called Deep Nostalgia™. What it does is animates faces from historical photos to create realistic video of them.

Here's the one recently done of the great Frederick Douglass...

There have been a lot of different reactions to this. Some think it's neat. Others believe it's offensive. had such a reaction to it they actually made a formal statement. See that in the Democrat and Chronicle's story, CLICK HERE.

What do you think? Cool, creepy, offensive? Tell us on twitter: @Radio_951

Cover photo from Getty Images.

OH! One more thing. Just in case you didn't know or were curious: Frederick Douglass is burried at Rochester's Mount Hope Cemetery. It's definitely something you should check out. It's on Earl's list as well. Learn more about the notable people buried at the cemetery here:

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