Earl's Latest Show Benefitted Service Dogs!

Earl has a soft spot for dogs. Both of his are rescues, and one them (Gabe) is a professional dock diving dog! It's hilarious because in Earl's office there are all these medals and awards hung up, none of which are his! They are ALL Gabe's, and he is one proud doggy daddy.

Another thing Earl is Passionate about is supporting members of out military. If you've never heard the story of Earl's Dad, who died serving in Vietnam, you HAVE TO. Listen to it, CLICK HERE.

At his latest show, Earl donated to an organization that provides Veterans with Service dogs! The pictures are priceless...

If you'd like to help local veterans, click here: WNY Heroes, Inc

If you'd like to help rescue dogs, Earl's Charity does just that. Click here: Team Gabe Doggie Rehab

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