Department of Health: Masks Not Required For Summer School

The New York State Department of Health says students attending summer school won't need to wear a mask. Districts can still require students to wear them. NY plans to release fall school rules in the coming weeks.

This is the notice from the DOH:

We are writing to share three updates relevant to 2021 summer schools.

Given current low rates of COVID-19 transmission, schools/district may decide to implement revised masking policies consistent with those available in the archived INTERIM GUIDANCE FORCHILD CARE, DAY CAMP, AND OVERNIGHT CAMP PROGRAMS DURING THE COVID-19 PUBLICHEALTH EMERGENCY

Summer schools in NYS may follow either the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools Through Phased Prevention or the current NYS INTERIM GUIDANCE FOR IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION AT PRE-K TO GRADE 12SCHOOLSDURING THE COVID-19 PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY. The above information applies to the 2021 summer session only and additional information will be shared regarding the 2021-2022 school year soon. These decisions, which should reflect local sentiment, may be made by the school superintendent or local board. There is no requirement for additional public meeting.

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