Man Finds Partially Opened Casket in Ditch

A Houston man who was out running errands earlier this week made a disturbing discovery: he found a partially-open casket in a ditch. Lloyd Tucker Jr., the man who found the burial vessel, says he hesitantly investigated the discarded casket -- and was relieved to find it was empty. Nevertheless, he says he feels "violated" and wants the casket removed as soon as possible. "Somebody gotta come get it," he says. "It can't stay there." Tucker says he drove by the same spot the night before the discovery -- and there was no casket there. Adding to the mystery is the fact that there are no cemeteries or funeral homes in the area surrounding the ditch, authorities say. "I just want to know who would do something like this," Tucker says. "Put it like this: Somebody's missing a casket."

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