Many people don't talk anymore. It's easier to send text messages. Teenagers speak in another language in text messages. Here are some translations:
Fam = It is referring to close friends or a tight-knit group.
Netflix & Chill = It is in referring to "hooking up" or a "booty call", not just watching movies and hanging out.
Dabbing = It's a popular dance move, but it's also a concentrated form of cannabis.
Basic = Means ordinary, not unique or generic. Interpreted as an insulting, derogatory term.
CD9 = Code 9, there are parents around.
53X = Sneaky way to type "sex"
KMS = Kill Myself. Some kids use this in a sarcastic manner, but it can indicate severe depression or suicidal thoughts in others.
MOS = Mom over the shoulder.
WTTP = Want to trade pictures, meaning trading nude photos.
ADR = Address.