Buffalo Landlord Spray Paints Owed Rent Onto Tenant's Roof

A lot of people have struggled during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you're a renter you may have been able to not pay your rent in order to stay a float. It's understandable. After all, so many people lost their jobs and no one wants to see families thrown out of their home.

Forgotten though are the landlords, who are not getting rent from some of their tenants. That's their livelihood. So they are struggling too.

However... this landlord may have gone too far. Or did he? We'll let you decide.

WKBW reports that it happened in the Buffalo suburb of Lancaster, where a landlord spray painted the names, money owed, and MAGA on the roof of the property he rents to one of his tenants.

For the full story, CLICK HERE: WKBW.com

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